A Message from KCVMA

23Mar '20

A Message from KCVMA

KCVMA members,

I just wanted to take this time to check in again, as a lot has changed in the past week. We are all navigating uncharted waters here so I wanted to be sure to continue to check in with all of our members. Please reach out to me if there is anything we, as KCVMA, can do for you as a member. I know we are all inundated with COVID-19 emails but I wanted to make sure everyone has all of the resources needed.

  • Kansas City and surrounding counties have declared a “Stay at home order”.  As previously noted by the AVMA, veterinary clinics are considered health care and therefore fall in the essential business category.  Veterinary businesses are allowed to stay open during this time. The order can be found here:  https://www.kcmo.gov/home/showdocument?id=4065
  • The AVMA is continuously updating their website with recommendations and information. Please find that information here: https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/covid-19
  • Our website has resources as well, as well as a directory list (for members only) if you would like to reach out to a local colleague.

There are so many challenges during this time. Practice owners are worried about their business, associates are concerned about their jobs, parents are trying to figure out how to multi-task children doing school at home while they are at their jobs, and we are all concerned about the health of our colleagues, staff, clients, friends and family. Those are just the first few that came to mind; I know the list is much longer.  Please reach out and let us know how we can help!


Stacey A. Nickell, DVM
KCVMA President and the KCVMA Board of Directors

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